Kent Premier and Kent A team start their ICC campaign at home against Surrey.
Both teams have big changes for the season, the players who are making their debut for the Premier Team are; Paula Scales, Julian Scales, Amanda Doorey & Lukasz Gill. Kent Premier also see a few returning players to the squad; Tim Rycraft, Richard Southby, Jason Smith and Chris Philpott.
The A team have also a debut for Mandy Long and Grace Doorey.
Premier team result vs Surrey
Premier team won 29-11, 231 shots to Kent 183 to Surrey
A few words from Michael (Manger) Well done to Julian Paula Amanda and lukasz making there debut today all payed well
Thank you to Ray offord who stepped into help out in the singles, playing extremely well in both games.
A team result vs Surrey
A team won 36-4 221 shots to Kent 165 to Surrey
A few words from Phil (Captain) A special well done to Grace Doorey one of our junior players on her performance in today match and Mandy Long for stepping into help the A side out.
Thank you to Barry Baker who was the umpire for the day